Why Hiring an Interior Designer is Your Next Smart Move Hiring an interior designer is not just for the rich and famous. Projects of all shapes and sizes can benefit from the trained eye of a professional. Most homeowners are unaware that a designer is a jack-of-all-trades and can offer his or her expertise in any number of ways that are helpful, from the big picture to the smallest detail. Here are four reasons why
Pet-Friendly Homes According to a recent survey by the American Pet Products Association (APPA), 68% of U.S. households own a pet. Homeowners are increasingly aware of the need to make their houses conducive to pet ownership. Both pets and their owners benefit when the details take center stage, and you don’t have to compromise on style in order to make room for your furry friends. Consider some of the tips below to make your pet-friendly
Sense-Sensitive Design for Seniors “Aging in place” is the prevailing catchphrase for adapting a home to accommodate those who are growing older and wish to maintain their independence in a familiar environment for as long as possible. In such cases, design is focused primarily on implementing practical ways to create ease and comfort rather than spotlighting an inevitable but unpredictable decline. When possible, it is prudent to make adjustments before a crisis occurs so the